Damages compensation

Advice and assistance in the field of Civil Liability and Damages Compensation

Damages compensation and civil liability

Our firm deals with disputes concerning damages suffered by persons and/or property from unlawful events caused by third parties (held liable in accordance with Articles 2043 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code), or damages consequent to the breach of an obligation or a contract (Articles 1218 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code).

In this sector, we work with external technical consultants having proven expertise and professionalism (such as technical experts, architects, engineers, medico-legal experts, etc.) to assess the existence of causal links and faults, as well as to verify the extent and type of pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages suffered by the injured party (pecuniary damage, biological damage, moral damage, existential damage, etc.).

In all cases of liability, therefore, we perform an analytical examination and quantification of the damages, firstly seeking an out-of-court settlement with the counterparty or with the insurance company involved and, if there is no agreement or the offer of compensation is insufficient, we bring a case in the client’s interest, assessing firstly with the same the expected costs, risks, and prospects of that case.